
Bodies the Exhibition

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This is my final post about our adventures this past weekend (hey, stop clapping!). ๐Ÿ˜‰

After our lunch at Pizzeria Uno on Monday, we walked through Bodies. Our godson just finished his third year in Medical School, and this weekend was a celebration of his completing his Medical Boards on Friday of last week. So, he had a particular interest in seeing this exhibition.

This isn’t usually my cup of tea. I was happy to go, but didn’t really know what to expect.

So, this still isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but I have to say, the entire exhibition is truly a work of art, and fascinating on any number of levels. Having a med student with us made it all the more special, as he was able to point out specific examples of things that gave unusual views of how the body works, etc.

I was mildly surprised at how many kids were there, given that it could be construed as an icky display on a number of levels (these are real dissected human beings!). But, it’s all tastefully done, incredibly skillfully, and with wonderful explanations accompanying exactly what you’re seeing and why.

We took our time walking through the exhibit, and it took us roughly 90 minutes start to finish. I think we all enjoyed it thoroughly, and I know that I learned a lot as well.

Definitely recommended, especially if you have the slightest interest in understanding how the body works!






4 responses to “Bodies the Exhibition”

  1. bob Avatar

    I have the heart to go to the exhibit too – as long as it doesn’t cost an arm and leg to attend…. but, 90 minutes, not sure my bladder wants to go that long….
    by the way, what type was the backgroung music – any particular vien ???

  2. hadar Avatar

    Now that was very funny! Perhaps I should have hung out with you instead of going to see Superbad! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. bob Avatar

    I have the heart to go to the exhibit too – as long as it doesn’t cost an arm and leg to attend…. but, 90 minutes, not sure my bladder wants to go that long….
    by the way, what type was the backgroung music – any particular vien ???

  4. hadar Avatar

    Now that was very funny! Perhaps I should have hung out with you instead of going to see Superbad! ๐Ÿ™‚


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