
Category: Personal

  • May 2008 Poker

    Same old, same old, with some new stuff thrown in, to throw me/you off. 😉 Right after I reported on April’s results, I transferred some money from my one poker site to another site. The two sites have an agreement between them (perhaps there is joint ownership, but I have no idea) whereby […]

  • Scott McClellan

    When news of Scott McClellan’s new book What Happened came out earlier this week, I was sure I would blog about my reaction the next day. By the time I got ready to start writing, so many things had been said, that I lost the zeal to share my thoughts. The story continues […]

  • Angel Band at Joe’s Pub

    If you’re one of the few people who reads the comments to these posts, then you probably know how we spent last night. Angel Band performed at Joe’s Pub. It also happened to be the official release party for their brand new CD With Roots & Wings. It’s also available as a download […]

  • Sneaky Wicked Surprise

    Our Richmond friends have had a very busy year, and it’s hardly over. In addition to graduating both of the kids (already reported) they have an upcoming wedding to produce. Immediately after the wedding, the new couple is moving up to NYC (well, immediately after the honeymoon). 😉 That should be enough to […]

  • David Grisman at BB King

    This is a little late, as we’ve had company since yesterday morning, and I’m just now getting a few minutes to bang away at the keyboard. On Friday night Lois and I went to BB King Blues Club to see one of my long-time favorite artists, David Grisman. I’ve never seen him live, […]

  • Doofus Music

    For those of you who know that my favorite group is called Girlyman, you won’t be surprised to hear that I don’t judge a group by their name. 😉 In this post (ironically about Girlyman!) near the bottom, I mentioned that I had lunch with a good friend who I used to work […]

  • Amazon Unbox

    I haven’t had an interest in any of the movie download services (until yesterday). First, we don’t watch that many movies. Second, we have so many DVDs that we own, and probably will never watch. Third, since we only have laptops, disk space can become an issue if the download is purchased and […]

  • Dr. Dave

    Last week I reported on our goddaughter’s graduation and noted that we had one more to go. The formal part of the second one, our godson graduating from Medical School, is now done too. There is still some celebrating left to do tonight before it’s all officially over. On Friday, the Medical School […]

  • BSOD Update

    In my Laptop Spring Cleaning post, I mentioned that Lois had been suffering from daily BSOD’s (the infamous Microsoft Blue Screen of Death crashes). I also mentioned that after the spring cleanup, she went five days without a crash. That joy was short-lived, as the crashes returned. Some days, the machine wouldn’t boot. […]

  • One Down One To Go

    So, you may have noticed that this space has been pretty quiet in the past two weeks. Exactly two posts since the Dolly Parton one. There are two reasons, we’re down at Zope for two weeks, so the days tend to be a bit busier for me (don’t even get me started on […]