
Tag: Barack Obama

  • Girlyman at Joe’s Pub

    Last night was our eighth Girlyman concert. It was the third time we’ve seen them at Joe’s Pub (where it all began). The other five shows were spread out over five venues, in two states, in five cities, with vast differences between the venues and at times, the audience makeup as well. These […]

  • I Fully Support President Obama

    I voted for John McCain, so did Lois (or so she told me). Each of us admitted to the other, that even though we knew in advance that we were voting for McCain, we hesitated in the voting booth, and wanted to vote for Obama. Not because we believed the rhetoric, and certainly […]

  • Selling the Presidency

    Yesterday, The NY Times had an article discussing the size of the ad budgets of both campaigns. Regardless of the statistics provided in that article, it crystalized for me something I had been feeling for a long while, but couldn’t articulate, even to myself. The purpose of ads is to sell something to […]

  • We Get What We Deserve

    This is a collection of random (but thematically related) thoughts, so it’s likely to ramble on for a while. We get what we deserve! This sounds harsh, especially given that sometimes bad things happen to good people, but it’s still true, even if we can’t understand why those things happen. It’s even more […]

  • No Shame Left In Politics

    To be honest, there’s really little shame left in the country (world?) in general, but in politics, it’s effectively non-existent. I could write all day about this topic, or have a post-a-day for a very long time. Instead, I’ll cram it in to this one post. First, John McCain. Two recent giant disappointments. […]

  • Catching Up

    It’s been exactly a week since I last posted. Usually, if I take that long a break, it’s a combination of not much to say and not much time to say it in. This time, I had a number of things to say (one in particular) and plenty of time to say it. […]

  • Ads

    I haven’t written about politics in quite a while, and I should probably keep it that way, but I can’t, so here goes… By now, if you haven’t seen the new ads being put out by, or seen previews of them on a cable news channel, you’re either very lucky, or blissfully […]

  • Bob Herbert Nails Reverend Wright

    In this Op Ed piece in The New York Times, Bob Herbert precisely nails Reverend Wright’s motivation for his current tour. It’s not all that typical that I agree with a majority of what Mr. Herbert has to say, but I admit freely that not only do I agree with every single word […]

  • Obama Speech Earns Nomination

    It’s been hard to watch TV the past few days without being inundated by the videos of Barack Obama’s former pastor, Dr. Jermiah A. Wright, Jr. In grabbing the link for Dr. Wright, I was quite surprised to see that he’s still listed as the pastor for the Trinity United Church of Christ, […]

  • Presidential Candidates Three

    Disclaimer: There are no facts in this post. Everything below is my opinion only. I have made no attempt to find any supporting facts either, life is too short! Whew, now that that’s out of the way, let me also say that everything I’m about say is also correct. 😉 I’m rushing this […]