I have been wanting to change the theme on this site for a while. I am not all that sure why, perhaps, just because it’s so easy to do with WordPress. I liked the theme that I had for the most part, but I wanted an even cleaner, simpler, sharper look.
For a while, I toyed with putting in one of the newer, more complicated (as in flexible) theme frameworks, specifically, Hybrid or Carrington, and really tweak them to my liking. While I might still do that, I know I don’t have that much time at the moment. While looking around, I stumbled on the following theme: PrimePress. I liked it a lot.
So, I just made it live on the site. I made two changes:
- I removed the rotating headers (I actually liked them a lot, but it’s a waste of space on this blog from my perspective)
- I substituted my name for the Copyright holder rather than the title of the blog
For now, that’s it, though I might tweak it a bit in the coming days (probably not). I’ll take a look again in a few weeks when WordPress 2.7 is released, and see if there are any themes around that take full advantage of that, but still look this clean. If so, I might switch again.
For now, welcome PrimePress! 🙂
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