
Tag: frustration

  • Cloning an ancient laptop to new hardware requires care

    Astute readers of the headline will realize that I failed to do that… There was a happy ending though (thankfully). The past few posts have had TL;DRs up front. This time is will be at the end, so if you don’t want to follow this saga (and who could blame you!), just skip […]

  • Wireguard, ZeroTier, ControlD and NextDNS

    This will be another soul-crushing length and techie laden post, so it definitely deserves a TL;DR to let most of you off the hook early. TL;DR When using two or more services, each of which is awesome on their own, sometimes, the interactions between them are unexpected and can cause headaches (followed by […]

  • Converting Windows VM from VirtualBox to virt-manager

    This is going to be my typical long, rambling post. I might have a TL;DR section way at the bottom with bullet points that eventually worked for me, but who knows. If you don’t care about deep techie stuff, definitely just skip this post (trust me…). I recently blogged about VirtualBox and virt-manager […]