
Category: Frustration

  • Great Ideas for Next Gen Kindle

    I rarely write a post simply to point to someone else’s post, brilliant or otherwise. I used to be a voracious reader. That was so long ago, I’m embarrassed to even make that claim. There are many reasons why I don’t read as much (not the least of which is that I’m the […]

  • WordPress Ate My Posting Date

    This post is really a test, but I’ll share the full problem and solution (assuming the test works), so it might help someone else out there as well. 🙂 The other day, for the first time ever, I noticed that a post of mine hit my RSS reader (Thunderbird) with a date of […]

  • Firefox 3.0 is Awesome

    Yesterday, I took a (cheap) shot at the Firefox launch fiasco. I didn’t need to do it, but I don’t really regret it either. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t want to hype the hell out of the launch, and then be unprepared for it. Anyway, even though the official launch […]

  • Firefox 3.0 Download Day

    Well, it’s finally here. I was all set to do my part with helping them attain the nonsensical world record download numbers. Both Lois and I use Firefox as our primary browsers, and I have an ancient laptop that I occasionally use in a hotel room that I was going to upgrade, and […]

  • Lost Season 4 on TV/DVR

    Lois and I watched the first three seasons on DVD over a relatively short period of time. On balance, we both really like the show a lot (me more than she, I believe). There were frustrations at times, but it’s a very creative story, with lots of twists and turns to hold your […]

  • Getting Very Tired of AlertThingy

    I’ve been using AlertThingy for a while now. I like the concept a lot. It started out as an Adobe Air front-end to FriendFeed. Let’s begin (briefly, at least brief by my normal standards) 😉 with FriendFeed itself. At a minimum, FriendFeed is a social media aggregator. You can have it create a […]

  • NginX Reporting for Duty

    Last week, my friend Jamie Thingelstad tweeted from the Rails Conference that he was considering switching to NginX (I’ll probably drop the caps starting now) after sitting in on a session about it. Prior to that mention, I had only heard of it once, when an internal tech email at Zope Corporation mentioned […]

  • Rube Goldberg and SSH

    Rube Goldberg would be very proud of what you can accomplish with SSH. If you don’t know what SSH is, you really should just stop reading, as not only will this post be meaningless to you, you wouldn’t care about the result (or technique) even if you followed it perfectly! 😉 A while […]

  • May 2008 Poker

    Same old, same old, with some new stuff thrown in, to throw me/you off. 😉 Right after I reported on April’s results, I transferred some money from my one poker site to another site. The two sites have an agreement between them (perhaps there is joint ownership, but I have no idea) whereby […]

  • Scott McClellan

    When news of Scott McClellan’s new book What Happened came out earlier this week, I was sure I would blog about my reaction the next day. By the time I got ready to start writing, so many things had been said, that I lost the zeal to share my thoughts. The story continues […]