
Tag: Linux

  • Reaction vs Fail2Ban vs Crowdsec

    This is a highly technical post that will only interest people who host a server that’s open to the Internet. That excludes nearly everyone that typically reads my blog, so I’ll start with a TL;DR so you can bug out quickly. TL;DR reaction is a relatively new system that is capable of replacing […]

  • Trigger pulled on new PC, a UM790 Pro from Minisforum

    Even shorter than a TL;DR, you can tell what machine I bought right in the title above. But, do I like it? Perhaps that deserves a TL;DR so you don’t fall asleep reading the rest of the post… TL;DR I absolutely love this mini-PC. It’s the UM790 Pro from Minisforum. I bought it […]

  • Converting Windows VM from VirtualBox to virt-manager

    This is going to be my typical long, rambling post. I might have a TL;DR section way at the bottom with bullet points that eventually worked for me, but who knows. If you don’t care about deep techie stuff, definitely just skip this post (trust me…). I recently blogged about VirtualBox and virt-manager […]

  • Asus Wifi Router AiMesh Odyssey

    This post was rattling around in my head before the current stay-at-home situation arose. Somehow, it never found its way to my fingers, until now. This will be a typical techie post by me, in that it will be long, rambling/meandering, and likely bore the people who used to mostly read my music […]

  • Installing CrashPlan on a PogoPlug Pro

    There are critical updates embedded in this post, added on 9/3/2011, all preceded with Update:. You can apply those instructions separately if you’ve already completed the rest of this installation. Updates will be marked with End Update to allow for multi-paragraph updates. I will strike-through the parts that were replaced, so that you […]

  • Trust the Home Page

    If I detailed all of the hurt I caused myself (entirely my fault) in this one post, I’d be typing for hours. I’ll spare myself (and you) all of the gory details, and summarize. If you follow my techie posts (way fewer than my music posts), then you know that I’m a big […]

  • OpenVPN in VirtualBox

    There are a number of reasons why you might want to run a VPN on your laptop. The most obvious is that you have to, in order to access files back at the office. Two other likely reasons are security (you are in a public place, and want to encrypt all traffic) and […]

  • Sidux Wins Again

    Almost two years ago, I wrote a post about an ancient (and very broken) laptop. Of the various Linux distributions that I tried on it, I really liked Sidux the most. I wrote about it in my In Praise of Sidux post. I ended up trashing that laptop when the unreliability was more […]

  • Recovering From a Server Disk Crash

    The machine that is delivering this blog to you is a standalone Dell server, running CentOS 5.2. It resides in a data center managed by Zope Corporation (ZC) Systems Administrators (SAs). I perform the majority of the software administration and maintenance myself, and they maintain all of the hardware along with some of […]

  • Rube Goldberg and SSH

    Rube Goldberg would be very proud of what you can accomplish with SSH. If you don’t know what SSH is, you really should just stop reading, as not only will this post be meaningless to you, you wouldn’t care about the result (or technique) even if you followed it perfectly! 😉 A while […]